Beautiful Hyper terminal in four steps

Beautiful Hyper terminal

A couple of prerequisites: HyperNPM and Git.

My theme of choice is hyper-snazzy. Setup of the theme is simple enough but additional features like custom prompts and syntax highlighting required some intense Googling & Stack Overflowing as I had absolutely no idea how to configure a shell. It’s worth pointing out that there are ‘managers’ available to help with this such as oh-my-zsh but I just wanted to keep things simple with minimal dependencies.

Step 1: Install Hyper theme

Open Hyper. Open Preferences (⌘ + comma). Scroll down to the plugins property. Add hyper-snazzy to the array and then save & exit. E.g.

plugins: ['hyper-snazzy']

Step 2: Install custom prompt

To replace the nasty computer name / IP address prompt with a nice arrow prompt we’ll need to customise the Z shell config file.

Firstly we need to globally install the pure-prompt package. In your terminal window run the following command:

npm install --global pure-prompt

After the package has installed, we’ll need to configure the .zhsrc file. We can do this inside the terminal window by running the following command:

nano ~/.zshrc

ℹ️️ Note: If it whinges that this file does not exist, create it like so before re-running the above command:

touch ~/.zshrc

Add the following to the end of the file:

autoload -U promptinit; promptinit prompt pure

Save the file by pressing ctrl + O and then enter. Close the file by pressing ctrl + X.

Step 3: Install syntax highlighting

We’ll be using the zsh-syntax-highling package to enable this functionality.

Run the following command to download the package into your user directory:

git clone

Again, we’ll need to edit the config file. Run:

nano ~/.zshrc

Add to the bottom:

source ./zsh-syntax-highlighting/zsh-syntax-highlighting.zsh

ℹ️ Note: This must appear beneath our previous pure-prompt line

Save and exit ctrl + o and ctrl + x

// – loading image

Step 4: Switch from bash to zsh

This quite important step was missing from the guides I found. To actually ensure your default shell is zsh you’ll need to run:

chsh -s $(which zsh)

⚠️ Important: You must log out and log back in for this to take effect (sorry)

That’s it. Cheers for reading 😀

© 2022 Tom Christian
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